“Really Lovely People - where integrous people share, grow and flourish”
A place for soulful seekers to explore life and community
Coming back in person shortly
Really Lovely People is a place where you can chill, relax, learn and spend a time with like-minded people. It’s bringing people together who care, have big hearts and a spiritual focus. People from all walks of life and professions who want to do more in their lives, maybe make a difference, personally or professional, big or small.
We act as a hub, a community, based upon integrity and love. No pressure, no expectations other than bringing your true self, a smile and a willingness to explore life. We aim to inspire, encourage and lead uplifting conversations, sharing ideas, experiences and explore questions on life or spiritual understanding. Helping people open to their passions, dreams and the things they would love to do in life.
It’s an environment where you feel supported, feel love, a camaraderie and where you can have a ‘different’ type of conversation, one that you probably wouldn’t have in your everyday life. It’s a place for friendships and where people can explore and evolve their personally and spiritual development, to learn and grow! It’s bringing people together where they can share, be heard and be seen. A place where people listen and acknowledge others, recognise their gifts, talents and passions, a place that feels welcoming, safe and embracing.
It's a place for Really Lovely People
A place to just 'be you'
A warm welcome for everyone, time to grab a drink and say hello. We begin the evenings with some quiet time, to bring ourselves present from the busy day. Then meet and greet fellow members, new and old in our easy and friendly way. It’s a positive environment where all can feel at easy being themselves and engage in the evening.
We take time for community chat and then join a facilitated experience to explore conversations on life, personally and spiritually. We explore subjects, themes, ideas and experiences from the members and seek their ideas, it is after all, their community! We take time for social interaction and catch-up and finish again with quiet time and take home the warmth of the community.
Roy Martin holds the space for the evening and generally facilitates activities. RLP Thursday hangouts are designed to be interactive, inclusive and experiential, so members can get the most from their time. It’s an environment to learn, and grow, explore and express who we truly are, opening to the love within.
An integrous space for those who seek to bring their talents to the world and by doing so touch the lives of many. It’s a place where you can be yourself and have fun!
Roy Martin, Passion and Vision mentor - helping emerging leaders get unstuck by finding their passion and vision to make a positive difference in life
About Roy
I've had the joy of helping people for over 20 years, its not work it's a pleasure and i love it!
My message
Be true to who you are inside, follow your passions and things that make you come alive, things that have meaning and purpose for you and others!
What I’m about
I’m about guiding people to connect with the truth of who they are by helping them open doors to understanding themselves, and their spiritual life. Doors to the love and wisdom within - I'm about helping people come home to love.
The Blog
Thoughts, musings, and ruminations.
Say hi
We always love hearing from really lovely people like you.
Call or email
Roy Martin
First Floor, Grayson House,
Lynn Lane, Shenstone, WS14 0DUThursday at 6:45pm+ 44 (0) 121 4398955
© 2022 Really Lovely People